Business Hours

7:00am - 7:00pm 7 Days a Week

Check In Hours

Guests can check in any time during Business Hours. You will be charged for that day, regardless of the time you check in.

To expedite your check-in, we have provided a printable version of the check-in card. Please download, using Adobe Acrobat.

Check Out Hours

Before 11am ----------------------------no charge

After 11am but before 6pm -----------$20.00

After 6pm -------------------------------$30.00/45.00*

Kennel Rates per night

Please Note: All prices are subject to change without notice. Please phone for latest pricing.

1 Dog Per Run: ---------------------------------$30.00*

2 Dogs Per Run: --------------------------------$45.00*

Doggie Day Care***: --------------------------$20.00


Medications: ------------------------------------$2 - $5.00 per day

Private Dog Walk: -----------------------------$7.00 per day

Treadmill Walk: --------------------------------$5.00 per 15 min session

Dog Food: ---------------------------------------$5.00 per dog per day

~ Private dog walk will be at least 15 minutes

~ Doggie Day Care from 7 am - 6 pm

1: Payment methods include: Cash, Cheque, EMT, Visa and Mastercard.

2: Doggie Daycare is from 7am to 6pm. Pickups after 6pm will be charged for a FULL day of boarding.

3: All returned cheques will be charged an additional $45 handling fee.

4: Major Holidays are Christmas (from December 21st to January 2nd.) and Spring Break. During Major Holidays the minimum stay is 4 days. You can book in for less than this but the charges will be based on 4 FULL days. This also applies to Doggie Day care. During Major Holidays there will be no free day given for first time customers. During Major Holidays there will be no discounts

5: On Christmas Day and New Years Day, we are "CLOSED" for pickups and drop offs. You can pickup or drop off your dog on the 24th/26th or the 31st/2nd. The only exception will be in case of emergency.

6: All pickups AFTER 7:30pm will be charged an additional $20 fee (this fee may be waived on a case by case basis).

7: Customers returning early will be charged for ALL the days they reserved (this additional fee may be waived on a case by case basis).

8: ALL active/inactive/retired military and police personnel receive an ADDITIONAL 10% discount (except during Major Holidays) as a special THANK YOU for your selflessness and willingness to serve this great country of ours.

One night FREE boarding on your first visit. (Minimum 3 night booking)*



For DOGS the Inn offers:

  • 6 Large 4' X 7' suites
  • 4 Executive 5' X 8' suites and
  • 1 Presidential 6' X 8" suite
  • Each suite also has it's own attached outside covered run that is at least 10' long.
  • We open the doggy door to the outside first thing in the morning - 6am and close it around 8 or 9 pm.
  • Each run is separated by chain link fencing so the dogs can see each other outside but can't come into direct contact.
  • There is also chain link on the top of the run so no dog can jump/climb out.
  • Each suite has a solid 6' wall separation for privacy.

The inside area is climate controlled and Hepa filtered. It is also monitored 24/7.

Each suite has a bed and blanket. Food and water are offered inside each suite.

We cater to RAW fed clients and serve filtered drinking water.

Families with more than one dog can request that they board together or separately (adjacently if desired). If they board together we offer a 10% discount. Of course, if they require their own suite standard rates will apply.

All emergency services, should they be required, are provided by Smiths Falls Veterinary Services (phone (613) 283-4531)

 * Including Tax **Some restrictions may apply. *** Standard Dog rates and restrictions still apply to any and all dogs .